At Trident we believe that it is our moral and social duty to avoid wastage of natural resource and try to use the same judiciously. We use the water conserving aerators in all our showrooms and offices to save water from free flowing taps and allowing only required quantity.
In association with a sparrow activist, Mr. Jagat Kinkhabwala, we have distributed sparrow nest to all our customers. This nest is used by the sparrows during the mating season for laying eggs. This makes it safe for the sparrows to lay eggs and avoid any damage to the nest.
We provide facilities to our employess in the organization like Mediclaim Benefits, Disrtibution of Food Grains, Child Education Support, Books and Periodicals etc.
Joining hands with nation-wide agenda of supporting girl child, we participated in "Nanhi Kali" project by Mahindra & Mahindra for raising funds for unprivileged girl child.
Our support is always contributed to our martyrs who face the arms to protect us, by contributing one day organization's income.